otsukare Thoughts after a day of work

Some news

  1. Ven 14 février 2025 Some Ways To Contribute To WebKit and Web Interoperability

    There are different ways to contribute to WebKit and the Web. These are a collection of some ideas to contribute.

  2. Mer 06 septembre 2023 Molly

    Molly Holzschlag passed away.

  3. Jeu 31 août 2023 The lucky day of me falling hard professionally

    Yes, you will do mistakes in your career. This one taught me a lot of things.

  4. Mar 23 mai 2023 Webcompat Outreach, Mon Amour…

    About some of the challenges of webcompat outreach and what you can do.

  5. Mar 09 mai 2023 Web Inspector Search Regex

    Web Inspector Search feature allows to use regex expression.

  6. Ven 03 février 2023 Blade Runner 2023

    Never Ending Story.

  7. Lun 16 janvier 2023 Quirks, Site Interventions And Fixing Websites

    Quirks are here to fix broken websites. What does that mean?

  8. Mar 25 octobre 2022 "Thousand" Values of CSS

    Let's try to have a better grasp on the types of CSS values.

  9. Lun 20 juin 2022 Filter your mail in a dated space server side with Sieve

    Dated space mailboxes is one of the strategies to filter email with high volumes. Here the techniques with Sieve.

  10. Ven 10 juin 2022 Get browsers version number on macOS (zsh)

    When testing in multiple browsers, it's not necessary pleasant to copy and paste the information in windows. Here a little zsh script.

  11. Lun 16 mai 2022 How to make « cidre » of Normandy

    Sometimes, things are just part of your cultural tradition. Here a rough explanation on how to prepare a drink from Normandy, my region of origin.

  12. Mer 04 mai 2022 Mozilla, Bye!

    May 4 was my last at Mozilla after almost 9 years.

  13. Ven 14 janvier 2022 Encyclopedia Of Broken UserAgent String Detections

    Recording the way the User Agent string parsing is failing in scripts.

  14. Mer 17 novembre 2021 Browser regression and tools

    Browsers have tools to find out which commit created a regression.

  15. Mar 26 octobre 2021 Webcompat issues and the bots!

    Some ideas and contexts around auto-discovering webcompat issues.

  16. Lun 27 septembre 2021 When iOS will allow other browsers

    What happens when/if iOS authorizes other rendering engines?

  17. Lun 21 juin 2021 Today is my Mozilla 8 years anniversary

    I have been working 8 years at Mozilla in Webcompat. What a team!

  18. Lun 10 mai 2021 Browser Wish List - Tabs and bookmarks are the same thing

    I would love to have a better bookmarks and tabs management. This morning a simple sketch on what it would look like.

  19. Mar 20 avril 2021 Get Ready For Three Digits User Agent Strings

    In 2022, Firefox and Chrome will reach a version number with three digits: 100. It's time to test. Help us!

  20. Lun 29 mars 2021 Maximizing Possible Outcomes In Simple Interfaces

    Let's keep the possibility of hackability when simplifying interfaces

  21. Mar 16 mars 2021 Working With A Remote Distributed Team (Mozilla Edition)

    These are my requirements and tips when working in a remote distributed team at Mozilla.

  22. Mar 02 mars 2021 Capping User Agent String - followup meeting

    Capping User Agent string for Web Compatibility, a meeting and a status, and probably future work on evolving freezing user agent strings.

  23. Mer 24 février 2021 The Benefits Of Code Review For The Reviewer

    Code Review is an essential part of the process of publishing code. We often talk about the benefits of code review for projects and for people writing the code. I want to talk about the benefits for the person actually reviewing the code.

  24. Lun 15 février 2021 Capping macOS User Agent String on macOS 11

    MacOS 11 and a story of breakage.

  25. Ven 12 février 2021 Browser Wish List - Bookmark This Selection

    I often want to bookmark a part of a text more than a page.

  26. Jeu 11 février 2021 Whiteboard Reactionaries

    When serious topics need to be addressed seriously.

  27. Ven 22 janvier 2021 Site interventions and automated testing

    We need to improve site interventions, probably using webdriver and starts with a very simple solution, so everyone can be involved.

  28. Jeu 12 novembre 2020 Career Opportunities mean a lot of things

    What do you understand when you hear career opportunities?

  29. Mer 14 octobre 2020 Browser Wish List - Native Video Controls Features

    video html element has improved usability a lot, but this is a baby step. We should deserve better.

  30. Lun 28 septembre 2020 Week notes - 2020 w40 - worklog - slower and deeper

    Slowing down to understand better.

  31. Lun 21 septembre 2020 Week notes - 2020 w39 - worklog - A new era

    Starting a new era of webcompat team

  32. Ven 21 août 2020 Khmer Line Breaking

    Khmer line breaking is not implemented (yet) on Firefox Android.

  33. Mer 12 août 2020 Browser Wish List - Distressful Content Filtering

    Let's talk about distressful content filtering on the Web

  34. Jeu 06 août 2020 Browser developer tools timeline

    Some dates around developer tools

  35. Lun 27 juillet 2020 Formatted console.log lines. Stacktraces export wish.

    Spending a lot of times in devtools and wanted to work better. Today Formatted console.log lines and stack traces.

  36. Lun 27 juillet 2020 A-localized work or distributed work

    Working differently, not converting.

  37. Jeu 09 juillet 2020 Browser Wish List - Tab Splitting for Contextual Reading

    Let's talk about contextual reading in a tab

  38. Mar 07 juillet 2020 Browser Wish List - Tabs Time Machine

    Let's talk about tabs management and their content as a space for exploration.

  39. Lun 06 juillet 2020 Just Write A Blog Post

    Short recommendation for blogging for Mozilla engineers.

  40. Ven 03 avril 2020 Week notes - 2020 w14 - worklog - Human Core Dump

    from work to human core dump.

  41. Ven 27 mars 2020 Week notes - 2020 w13 - worklog - everything is broken

    First part of the week was about unbreaking things. Computers are sometimes just a mess.

  42. Ven 20 mars 2020 Week notes - 2020 w10, w11, w12 - worklog - Three weeks and the world is mad

    everything is falling apart

  43. Ven 28 février 2020 Week notes - 2020 w09 - worklog - The machine will eat us

    Starting to dive into Machine Learning with python and as always a bit of diagnosis.

  44. Ven 21 février 2020 Week notes - 2020 w08 - worklog - pytest is working

    fixed issues with flask blueprint and pytest is now working

  45. Ven 14 février 2020 Week notes - 2020 w07 - worklog - flask blueprint

    Anonymous reporting is on! Also explaining name conflicts in python flask blueprint when testing

  46. Ven 07 février 2020 Week notes - 2020 w06 - worklog - Finishing anonymous reporting

    Finishing coding the anonymous workflow reporting. Jetlag. And virus monitoring.

  47. Ven 31 janvier 2020 Week notes - 2020 w05 - worklog - Mozilla All Hands Berlin

    Mozilla Berlin All Hands - January 2020 - day by day

  48. Ven 24 janvier 2020 Week notes - 2020 w04 - worklog - Python

    python coding all day long.

  49. Ven 17 janvier 2020 Week notes - 2020 w03 - worklog - Murphy

    Coding, coding, coding the new anonymous workflow

  50. Ven 10 janvier 2020 Week notes - 2020 w02 - worklog - Fixing the mess

    This week will be not fun, but interesting.

  51. Mar 07 janvier 2020 Anonymous Reporting - Some context

    We need to think again how we handle the webcompat anonymous reporting, but for now an overview of the current context.

  52. Ven 03 janvier 2020 Week notes - 2020 w01 - worklog - First week

    The (work) week started on January 2 for me. So that will cover only 2 days.

  53. Ven 20 décembre 2019 Week notes - 2019 w51 - worklog - Last week

    This is the last week of 2019 for me. Holidays and battery recharging at the corner.

  54. Ven 13 décembre 2019 Week notes - 2019 w50 - worklog - Hello, someone is here?

    A mix of diagnosis and webcompat outreach. Trying to recover from last week.

  55. Ven 06 décembre 2019 Week notes - 2019 w49 - worklog - The Weak Notes

    Attacked by a bug, a cold, a cactus in the throat and more webcompat issues.

  56. Jeu 05 décembre 2019 JSConf JP 2019 - Tokyo, Japan

    Some notes and thoughts taken at the JSConf JP 2019.

  57. Sam 30 novembre 2019 Week notes - 2019 w48 - worklog

    Opus 2 of the week notes, let's see where it goes.

  58. Sam 30 novembre 2019 CSS zoom, a close up on issues

    CSS zoom, a non-standard property creating web compatibility nightmares for Mozilla

  59. Ven 22 novembre 2019 Week notes - 2019 w47 - worklog

    Some week notes, let's see where this is going. A record of my work week.

  60. Mer 20 novembre 2019 Saving Webcompat images as a microservice

    We want to separate the images saving infrastructure from the rest of the service.

  61. Ven 15 novembre 2019 Best viewed with… Mozilla Dev Roadshow Asia 2019

    Some notes about the webcompat talk for Mozilla Dev Roadshow 2019 and a couple of other things noticed along the way.

  62. Mar 15 octobre 2019 This is not a remote work

    Remote working is a kind of fallacy. Let's unpack some of the things around it.

  63. Mer 02 octobre 2019 Docker, some notes

    In the process of moving to python 3, I tried to learn a bit more about Docker and containers. These are just simple notes and references.

  64. Sam 22 juin 2019 Quick notes for Mozilla Whistler All Hands 2019

    Some quick notes without a specific order about my impressions during the Mozilla All Hands 2019 in Whistler.

  65. Lun 27 mai 2019 The illusions of privacy (What about intimacy?)

    Big platforms start to be interested by privacy, because it's a new marketing word, which can give them profits.

  66. Jeu 21 février 2019 02 - They fixed it

    A summary of the cool things done by Mozilla Core Engineers for webcompat. Second Edition

  67. Lun 07 janvier 2019 01 - They fixed it

    A summary of the cool things done by Mozilla Core Engineers for webcompat. This is the first edition.

  68. Jeu 01 novembre 2018 Debug JavaScript On The Fly With DevTools

    Edit a JavaScript file on the fly to be able to debug a site is now possible.

  69. Lun 02 juillet 2018 Five years

    On July 2, 2013, I was hired by Mozilla on the Web Compatibility team. It has been 5 years.

  70. Ven 15 juin 2018 San Francisco

    Life in a golden jail.

  71. Lun 21 mai 2018 More Roads And Faster Browsers

    Bigger roads rarely solves the issues of traffic jam, nor faster browsers solve the issue of web cluttering.

  72. Mer 04 avril 2018 20 Years Ago… a source code

    A simple question difficult to answer about Netscape source code.

  73. Ven 09 février 2018 Pour holy Web Compatibility in your CSS font

    Default fonts on Android is not a safe bet. We share a technique to minimize the Web compatibility issues with Clear Sans and Roboto.

  74. Jeu 02 novembre 2017 Discover The Fatwigoo

    The SVG icons in unstyled pages are big. You can fix this.

  75. Jeu 05 octobre 2017 A Web Compatibility Issue? Maybe Not.

    How to make sure you are reporting a real Web Compatibility issue? How to organize an effective webcompat sprint event?

  76. Mer 04 octobre 2017 Work Gamification And Leaderboard

    What's wrong with work gamification?

  77. Ven 18 août 2017 About Publishing Code Benchmarks

    Publishing code benchmarks is often used as a way to show the world how a product outperformed the competition. This is most of the time meaningless.

  78. Lun 31 juillet 2017 [worklog] Edition 068 - Under the shadow of Sudare.

    some bugs

  79. Jeu 27 juillet 2017 Things I type (when working on

    Some random notes on things I type when working on development.

  80. Jeu 06 juillet 2017 Some random thoughts in San Francisco

    Walking in the streets and meeting with my thoughts.

  81. Ven 19 mai 2017 [worklog] Edition 067.

    some bugs

  82. Ven 12 mai 2017 [worklog] Edition 066. Removing knots

    A strange week, with a big chunk of interesting work and sometimes a bit on the edge.

  83. Ven 05 mai 2017 [worklog] Edition 065. Tensions

    A busy week with still a flood of type-media issues and the fatigue after Berlin's work week.

  84. Ven 14 avril 2017 [worklog] Edition 064

    some bugs, some life

  85. Ven 14 avril 2017 [worklog] Edition 063. Spring is here

    The spring is coming back and it feels good.

  86. Ven 07 avril 2017 [worklog] Edition 062. AOL, Etsy and redbubble

    In my summary, I tend to put only the interesting issues. This week a bit of ellipsis, strange tables and flexbox.

  87. Ven 31 mars 2017 [worklog] Edition 061. Twisted bugs.

    Most of the Web compat bugs are twisted and threaded into history.

  88. Jeu 30 mars 2017 Our (css) discussion is broken

    Another useless stone in the debate about CSS. I'm not trying to solve anything in here.

  89. Mer 29 mars 2017 Print Messages With Nosetests

    How to print messages even when the tests are successful.

  90. Mer 29 mars 2017 Note on reinstalling httpie for SSLv3 Handshake failure

    httpie was failing with a SSLv3 Handshake failure.

  91. Ven 24 mars 2017 [worklog] Edition 060. Watching stars through the bamboos
  92. Ven 17 mars 2017 [worklog] Edition 059 - working from the forest

    Went to Normandy, working from there.

  93. Ven 10 mars 2017 [worklog] Edition 058 - Rain, sign of spring

    It is raining. Viewport and client-hints. A lot of development on

  94. Lun 06 mars 2017 Sharing what you are working on - 2 minutes or work diary, logs

    Sharing what you are working on is good for you, but it is also good for the rest of your distributed team.

  95. Ven 03 mars 2017 [worklog] Edition 057 - Slowly frying bugs

    Bugs take time. Sometimes so long that they disappear.

  96. Ven 24 février 2017 [worklog] Edition 056 - The wind is crazy

    Exploring WebKit C++ code and other web compatibility bugs.

  97. Ven 17 février 2017 [worklog] Edition 055 - Tiles on a wall

    Everything takes time and the end result is not necessary what we were fearing.

  98. Ven 10 février 2017 [worklog] Edition 054 - Be like the bamboo. Flexibility.

    Discussions on dev have accelerated.

  99. Ven 03 février 2017 [worklog] Edition 053 - Streamlining

    Many issues have been opened in the last couple of weeks around project. We need to make it better, but we need also need to implement things. Time to code.

  100. Lun 30 janvier 2017 Business Trips with a Clean Install

    Is it possible to travel for a work week without any data on your laptop?

  101. Ven 27 janvier 2017 [worklog] Edition 052 - a new button and new interesting issues

    We got a new button that brings a new series of issues for our work process.

  102. Mer 25 janvier 2017 Mozilla, we have a problem.

    Too many choices, not enough choices, UI for getting the user feedback is always hard.

  103. Ven 20 janvier 2017 [worklog] Edition 051 Discussions on

    A lot of discussion about for this 51th worklog.

  104. Mar 17 janvier 2017 The values of sharing and archiving when working

    Trying to better understand my own work policy when discussing with others.

  105. Ven 13 janvier 2017 [worklog] Edition 050 - Intern hell and testing

    Spent a lot of times, exploring why Selenium 3.0 was not working with our functional tests. It probably was not Selenium but intern.

  106. Ven 06 janvier 2017 [worklog] Edition 049 - Hello 2017

    Let's do that again

  107. Ven 30 décembre 2016 [worklog] Edition 048 - Bye 2016

    End of the year 2016. 2017 is full of mistery or misery?

  108. Ven 23 décembre 2016 [worklog] Edition 047 - Drifted logs and simple summary

    Simple summary of the Christmas time worklog.

  109. Ven 09 décembre 2016 [worklog] Edition 046 - Mozilla Work week in Hawaii

    A work week in Hawaii

  110. Mer 23 novembre 2016 Web Compatibility Talk at Tech in Asia Jakarta 2016

    The text version of the talk given at Tech in Asia Jakarta 2016 on November 16, 2016 at the Developer stage.

  111. Ven 18 novembre 2016 [worklog] Edition 045. Jakarta

    Worklog : Edition 044

  112. Ven 11 novembre 2016 [worklog] Edition 044. The autumn is approaching.

    Worklog : Edition 044

  113. Ven 04 novembre 2016 [worklog] Edition 043 - The sound of the Karasu

    Worklog : Edition 043

  114. Lun 31 octobre 2016 [worklog] Edition 042. More work, better work

    Worklog : Edition 042. The after effects of work week is always good. No matter how tiring was the work week.

  115. Ven 21 octobre 2016 [worklog] Edition 041. Web Compat team work week

    Worklog : Edition 041. Web compat team work week.

  116. Ven 14 octobre 2016 [worklog] Edition 040. Some weeks are rainier than others.

    Worklog : Edition 040. When everything is source of difficulties.

  117. Ven 07 octobre 2016 [worklog] Edition 039. kill two images with one python

    Worklog : Edition 039. The usual list of bugs and work on Web compatibility.

  118. Mer 05 octobre 2016 Debug your CSS with outline visualizations.

    A very quick and simple tip to understand the CSS boxes in a document when debugging.

  119. Ven 30 septembre 2016 [worklog] Edition 038. Exploring python 3 in between bugs

    Worklog : Edition 038. Converting to Python 3 is less hard than I thought initially.

  120. Dim 25 septembre 2016 [worklog] Edition 037. Autumn is here. The fall of -webkit-

    Worklog : Edition 037. Short work week but important.

  121. Dim 18 septembre 2016 [worklog] Edition 036 - Administrative week

    Worklog : Edition 036 - A lot of non direct Web Compatibility work.

  122. Lun 12 septembre 2016 Dyslexia, Typo and Web Compatibility

    We type code so we do mistakes.

  123. Dim 11 septembre 2016 [worklog] Edition 035. PNG can be invalid and other bugs.

    Worklog : Edition 035. PNG can be invalid and other bugs.

  124. Mar 06 septembre 2016 Figuring out viewport differences in between Gecko, Blink and WebKit

    Testing different viewport options on mobile

  125. Lun 05 septembre 2016 [worklog] Edition 034. A lot of triage

    Worklog : Edition 034. Sometimes you just need to clean up the bottom of this drawer where bugs have accumulated and gathered dust.

  126. Lun 29 août 2016 A Shrödinger select menu with display: none on option

    Forms are a strange thing on the Web that developpers are breaking in many ways. This time, display: none for making the instruction non selectable.

  127. Lun 29 août 2016 [worklog] Edition 033. Season of typhoons. Bugs clean-up

    Worklog : Edition 033. The season of typhoons started. Time to do bugs clean-up

  128. Lun 22 août 2016 [worklog] Edition 032. The sento cheminey

    Worklog : Edition 032. So many bad issues.

  129. Lun 15 août 2016 [worklog] Edition 031. Heat wave and cicadas falling

    Worklog : Edition 031. Some interesting new issues about mask, remoteEventListener, etc.

  130. Lun 08 août 2016 [worklog] Edition 030. Lightstorms, rainbows and bugs… this is summer.

    Worklog : Edition 030. Another week of work from the 7th floor with the prize of a beautiful rainbow.

  131. Lun 01 août 2016 [worklog] Edition 029. From the seventh floor

    Worklog : Edition 029. Rinse and Repeat is what we do.

  132. Ven 22 juillet 2016 [worklog] Edition 028. appearance on Enoshima

    Worklog : Edition 028. A bit of prefixes, a bit of Google issues and some work on appearance.

  133. Ven 15 juillet 2016 [worklog] Edition 027. Tracking protection and a week of boxes.

    Worklog : Edition 027. tracking protection, CSS issues, and boxes.

  134. Ven 08 juillet 2016 [worklog] Edition 026. Summer in Japan

    Worklog : Edition 026. Summer in Japan.

  135. Lun 13 juin 2016 [worklog] Mozilla work week London

    Worklog : Mozilla worked all the week in London.

  136. Ven 10 juin 2016 [worklog] Edition 025. Forest and bugs

    Worklog : Edition 025. legend and border-image are not good friends. Left to implementations is not a good idea.

  137. Jeu 09 juin 2016 AMP… and drums… faster ads.

    Finally an answer to my question about AMP.

  138. Mer 08 juin 2016 User Experience on Fail or Block

    Should you block users because your site is not perfect or should you let them fail?

  139. Mer 08 juin 2016 Some Loosely Connected Progressive Web App Silos

    When we talk about Progressive Web Apps, we are mainly talking about user experience for the Web. There's one I would love to see: the silo.

  140. Ven 03 juin 2016 [worklog] Long trip to Europe, short week

    Worklog : Edition 024. Too much spam. Fixed redirection and very too long trip.

  141. Mer 01 juin 2016 PWA - Heatmap Discussions Compilation

    Progressive Web Apps were the drama of these last couple of days.

  142. Ven 27 mai 2016 [worklog] Understanding Gecko code to better understand Webcompat bugs.

    Worklog : Edition 023. Understanding Gecko code to better understand Webcompat bugs.

  143. Jeu 26 mai 2016 How CSS width is computed in Gecko?

    CSS widths in Gecko are not stored and computed the same way than you would imagine. Follow up on yesterday's blog post.

  144. Mer 25 mai 2016 49.99999% of a CSS width is?

    When it comes to CSS width using percentage can be dangerous.

  145. Mer 25 mai 2016 How To Fix border-image in your CSS?

    border-image syntax has evolved a bit and it needs a couple of fixes.

  146. Mer 18 mai 2016 Working AS a distributed team. No more remote workers

    When you say remoter workers, you already failed your intents of having an effective team.

  147. Mar 17 mai 2016 [worklog] From 17s to 0.5s, testing for performance

    Worklog : Edition 022. Testing libraries and understanding their impacts.

  148. Ven 13 mai 2016 [worklog] Make Web sites simpler.

    Worklog : Edition 021. It's basically harder to make a solid simple Web site. But that the cost is beneficial on the longterm.

  149. Jeu 12 mai 2016 Schools Of Thoughts In Web Standards

    The endless debate about what is a Web standard.

  150. Ven 06 mai 2016 [worklog] Golden Week working at half speed.

    Worklog : Edition 020. Golden Week. Less work, busy with life.

  151. Ven 29 avril 2016 [worklog] Kusunoki, that smell.

    Worklog : Edition 019. Google is fixing stuff for Firefox. There's certainly a good change of policy.

  152. Ven 22 avril 2016 [worklog] Mabuigumi, the soul shifting

    Worklog : Edition 018. Let's shake the Web.

  153. Mar 19 avril 2016 Looking at summary details in HTML5

    Checking the state of art in the summary details proposal

  154. Ven 15 avril 2016 [worklog] Ganesh, remover of obstacles

    Worklog : Edition 017. Some bugs, a lot of fatigue, but the spring is really here.

  155. Jeu 14 avril 2016 Documenting my git/GitHub workflow

    Documenting shortly the way I work on

  156. Dim 10 avril 2016 [worklog] Daruma, draw one eye, wish for the rest

    Worklog : Edition 016. It takes time to get things fixed. But it's worth the wait.

  157. Jeu 07 avril 2016 Mozilla Planet, Firefox UX and Publishing Silos

    When choosing a platform to publish your information, be very careful to understand the consequences on content distribution.

  158. Lun 04 avril 2016 [worklog] Atami, a mix of new and old

    Worklog : Edition 015. Security, organizing the trip to London and other small things.

  159. Ven 25 mars 2016 [worklog] The world is mad.

    Worklog : Edition 014. A couple of bugs tainted by a mad world.

  160. Ven 18 mars 2016 [worklog] Python code review, silence for some bugs.

    Worklog : Edition 013. Nice work week with a lot of thinking on how to make a better community around Webcompat. Also a lot of code review for the new contributors.

  161. Jeu 17 mars 2016 HEAD and its support

    With HTTP, too many servers have lost their HEAD and it's quite sad to see that.

  162. Jeu 17 mars 2016 Fixing Gmail on Firefox Android

    a couple of key strokes to fix gmail and makes it a near perfect experience for users.

  163. Jeu 17 mars 2016 Mozilla Outreachy Program and its Effects

    Nothing better than a sudden surge of contributors for challenging your assumptions about your project environment and in the end your own ways of working.

  164. Sam 12 mars 2016 [worklog] funny bugs are not always funny

    Worklog : Edition 012. Infinite redirection, stacked labels, …

  165. Ven 04 mars 2016 [worklog] HTML parsing, identifying mobile and other delicacies

    Worklog : Edition 011. Being able to restart a bit more seriously Web development for and a couple of bugs

  166. Ven 26 février 2016 [worklog] border-image, appearance and DHTML haha

    Worklog : Edition 010. Writing about CSS properties and their implementations and some funny bugs.

  167. Jeu 25 février 2016 `border-image`? fill-me in, please

    border-image is not interpreted the same way in Chrome and Firefox. Let's see what we can do.

  168. Mar 23 février 2016 `appearance: button` in CSS and its implementations

    Defining appearance button in a form might have unfortunate renderings when combined with CSS vendor prefixes.

  169. Ven 19 février 2016 [worklog] closing bugs like the smell of spring

    Worklog : Edition 009 A lot of reading and a lot of bugs closing.

  170. Ven 12 février 2016 [worklog] A week with pretty funny bugs

    Worklog : Edition 008 Some funny bugs and restarting slowly the development of

  171. Ven 05 février 2016 [worklog] Outreach is hard, Webkit aliasing big progress

    Worklog : Where I keep notes of things I have been working on during the week - Edition 007. This week I went through ~600 old bugs and a few other things.

  172. Ven 05 février 2016 Steps Before Considering a Bug "Ready for Outreach"

    Sometimes another team of Mozilla will ask help from Webcompat team for contacting site owners to fix an issue on their Web site which hinders the user experience on Firefox. Let's go through some tips to maximize the chances of getting results when we outreach.

  173. Lun 01 février 2016 Testing Google Search On Gecko With Different UA Strings

    Google is used to send very tailored HTTP responses for some of his properties to devices. I tested again Google Search on Gecko.

  174. Ven 29 janvier 2016 [worklog] APZ bugs, Some webcompat bugs and HTTP Refresh

    Worklog : Where I keep notes of things I have been working on during the week. APZ bugs, Some webcompat bugs and HTTP Refresh

  175. Sam 09 janvier 2016 [worklog] Life meets work

    Worklog : very short worklog, trying to get over the backlog.

  176. Lun 04 janvier 2016 Webkit! RESOLVED FIXED

    A short summary of one year of work on helping users to have a better experience on the Web

  177. Sam 02 janvier 2016 [worklog] webkit fixed! and short week.

    Worklog - No plans, no resolutions

  178. Ven 25 décembre 2015 [worklog] Short week - addons and HTTP

    Worklog - some notes about the week of work. Starting the work on addons.

  179. Sam 19 décembre 2015 Jetlag, e10s addon and many breadcrumbs [worklog]

    Worklog - some notes about the week of work.

  180. Jeu 17 décembre 2015 Progressive enhancement for a Canvas demo.

    A demo illustrating a travel made with SVG, canvas and HTML which is still readable when JS and CSS are cut.

  181. Ven 11 décembre 2015 Mozlando - Jetlag and work [worklog]

    Some notes after a work week in the land of Disney.

  182. Mer 02 décembre 2015 CSS prefixes and gzip compression

    What is the best way to organize the CSS for a better compression rate?

  183. Jeu 19 novembre 2015 App Shell and Service workers

    What should come first? Content or UI when designing Web sites which are acting like apps.

  184. Mar 03 novembre 2015 Many questions about Google's AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)

    AMP is a new proposed format by Google. What and Why?

  185. Jeu 22 octobre 2015 Interface Mockup and User Reality

    Quick thought about interface mockups

  186. Mer 02 septembre 2015 Just got Modern Cathode Ray Tube Screenshots

    You can now show the issue when you are reporting an issue on

  187. Mer 05 août 2015 The Wrong Debate About Native And Web.

    People like dichotomies and they will do everything to have their story fits the imaginary gap.

  188. Jeu 30 juillet 2015 CSS Vendor Prefixes - Some Historical Context

    Daniel Glazman gives us a bit of history and context about CSS Vendor Prefixes.

  189. Mer 29 juillet 2015 Vendor Prefixes And Market Reality

    While the vendor prefixes are a good idea on paper, they translate into the market in uncalled realities that hinder both the progress of the Web and cost to Web developers.

  190. Jeu 02 juillet 2015 Web Components, Stories Of Scars

    The Web Components battle has the smell of an old modularity battlefield: CDF.

  191. Mar 30 juin 2015 Watch A Computing Engineer Live Coding

    Many people have a really hard time to understand what a computing engineer does and why it takes so much time, here an answer.

  192. Jeu 18 juin 2015 Working with emails on projects

    Emails are not a bad way of working if everyone is using them correctly.

  193. Mer 17 juin 2015 Working on mozilla-central with SublimeText

    Because I want to minimize my hassles, I have started a project configuration for mozilla-central in SublimeText.

  194. Ven 12 juin 2015 Just Patch This! (or 101 for patching Firefox)

    After finding a difference of behaviors in between browsers, I went on a journey of modifying Firefox through a patch.

  195. Lun 08 juin 2015 Old CSS syntax with prefixes

    The damage of keeping old CSS syntax without the new standardized properties.

  196. Lun 01 juin 2015 What a Web developer should know about cross compatibility?

    A reddit question about Web compatibility asking what are the essentials to know.

  197. Mar 12 mai 2015 Benefits on fixing a Web site with regards to Web Compatibility

    How do you convince people that they really need to fix their Web site.

  198. Lun 11 mai 2015 How To Contact Web Sites For Web Compatibility Issues

    Solving Web Compatibility issues require to contact people. How do you find the right contact information when you have no personal connection with the site.

  199. Ven 17 avril 2015 Web Compatibility in Japan

    Some findings and possible actions for Web Compatibility in Japan

  200. Jeu 26 mars 2015 Refresh HTTP Header

    On documenting outdated and deprecated features but still implemented.

  201. Mar 10 mars 2015 Security and Technical Specifications Review

    Reviewing specification is definitely a good way to learn about technologies and understand them in a more global way.

  202. Jeu 26 février 2015 Bugs and spring cleaning

    Bugs get quickly old and forgotten. Knowing when and how to attract a renewed focus on them is difficult. Let's explore some ideas.

  203. Mer 25 février 2015 Web Compatibility Summit 2015

    A summary of the Web Compatibility Summit we held in Mountain View on February 18, 2015.

  204. Jeu 29 janvier 2015 Hired in Taipei? Cool Intros.

    Newly hired introductions to the rest of Mozilla do not have to be boring.

  205. Dim 25 janvier 2015 Working With Transparency Habits. Something To Learn.

    We often forgot that working openly is not something that many people understand or are used to.

  206. Lun 22 décembre 2014 UA Detection and code libs legacy

    When developing a Web site, we rely on plenty of scripts and libraries. These are becoming too quickly legacy.

  207. Mer 10 décembre 2014 Pop Out The Table

    max-width CSS property seems to be an easy win for fluid design, but it creates Web compatibility issues in some circumstances.

  208. Mer 26 novembre 2014 Fix Your Flexbox Web site

    Mostly in Asia, many Web sites are designed using -webkit- CSS web properties. Sometimes the fix is really easy. Here the case of

  209. Mer 12 novembre 2014 How To Properly Configure Your Browser For Web Compatibility Forensics

    Testing Web compatibility issues requires to have the most neutral environment possible. We are explaining how to configure Firefox on a clean profile.

  210. Mar 04 novembre 2014 The Message, The Trigger And The Ugly: Web Agencies Priorities And Skills

    Web agencies develop skills and abilities around a core set of values and often miss the boat for other parts.

  211. Mar 28 octobre 2014 List Of Google Web Compatibility Bugs On Firefox

    Web Compatibility bugs are touching many sites across the world. Google services create issues with Firefox and other browsers, here's a list.

  212. Lun 27 octobre 2014 How to deactivate UA override on Firefox OS

    Learn how to remove the UA override from Firefox OS.

  213. Mar 21 octobre 2014 Monitoring Web page differences on a long term with screenshots

    Monitoring web pages changes more or less automatically is a challenge. There are different techniques. Would it be possible to use screenshots?

  214. Ven 08 août 2014 Lightspeed and Blackhole

    Browsers have a ton of legacy in their UI and UX due to the first time, they have been built. How can we improve them?

  215. Ven 01 août 2014 IE is aliasing some WebKit properties

    IE has implemented some aliases for WebKit properties. What does it mean?

  216. Mer 30 juillet 2014 Reducing your bandwidth bill by customizing 404 responses.

    Why would we waste bandwidth for automatic browser requests? Here some quick tips on how to configure your server to save a bit of bandwidth.

  217. Jeu 03 juillet 2014 Mediaqueries need space to be successful

    An issue with mediaqueries syntax which is failing everywhere but Safari.

  218. Ven 20 juin 2014 Mentor Bugs in Bugzilla

    Counting Mentor Bugs With Python

  219. Lun 02 juin 2014 How To Find A Bug (for Web Compatibility)

    Very simple step by step way of finding bugs in Bugzilla.

  220. Mar 27 mai 2014 Subtle Modifications to the UA, Big Consequences

    The battle over UA simplification is on many fronts.

  221. Lun 26 mai 2014 Sniffing in China and WAP

    Each local market has patterns of bad practices. Here in China, we noticed quite a number of sites sending Firefox OS WAP content.

  222. Ven 16 mai 2014 Large Scale Testing Automation for Web Compatibility

    How do you test for Web Compatibility across browsers and Web sites? Discover sitecomptester-extension.

  223. Lun 31 mars 2014 User Agent Detection Use Cases

    User Agent detection is a delicate technique with many pitfalls. What is it? Why do people need it? Do we need to rethink it?

  224. Lun 24 mars 2014 Web Compatibility in China

    Trip repory about Web Chinese Market and Web Compatibility issues as of March 2014.

  225. Jeu 20 février 2014 To HTTP is not a verb or testing is hard stuff

    The implementation of HTTP verbs is sometimes surprising. It makes the testing harder.

  226. Jeu 23 janvier 2014 Flexbox old syntax to new syntax converter

    How adding a few CSS flexbox new syntax properties fix things quickly.

  227. Lun 06 janvier 2014 Old browsers, does it matter?

    When old is old when we consider browsers?

  228. Ven 20 décembre 2013 Web Compatibility Issues Around The World

    A list of comments and links about Web Compatibility

  229. Mer 04 décembre 2013 Future Fail and User Agent Sniffing

    So what do you mean when you say future fail?

  230. Mar 03 décembre 2013 Spelling, Forms and Browsers

    When typing text in forms there are cases where it is practical to have autocomplete and spelling from the browser and sometimes when it's not. Let's go through it.

  231. Ven 29 novembre 2013 Thanks Giving Design For Planet Web Compatibility

    We created Web compatibility planet, time to uglify the Web.

  232. Mer 27 novembre 2013 I like it hardcoded, but not in my code (SFW)

    When hardcoded string is bad, even for UA detection.

  233. Ven 22 novembre 2013 The Three Kingdoms Of CNet

    Here a classical example on the many ways the User-Agent detection is not living by its promises.

  234. Mer 20 novembre 2013 How To Set Up a Web Compatibility Activity

    You started a new product, a new browser and you realize that it is failing on some Web sites at a large scale. You want to fix this. Here a few ideas on how to start your own Web compatibility activity.

  235. Ven 08 novembre 2013 Browsers Never Lie… Except When They Have To (Romantic Story)

    When a browser is making a request to a server, it has sometimes to not tell the full truth about its identity

  236. Mar 29 octobre 2013 According to Greek Mythology, Gecko 25 is cursed

    Sometimes, servers have a certain poetry with regards to data they receive. UA detection is always a maze of surprises.

  237. Ven 25 octobre 2013 meta refresh and HTTP

    HTTP gives everything you need for redirections

  238. Mar 22 octobre 2013 Device in ID in UA Strings

    Some UA strings have a device ID. Is it an issue to have it or to not have it?

  239. Mer 02 octobre 2013 Parsing UA string is not a regex job

    Parsing a UA string is an art, but not for regex.

  240. Lun 30 septembre 2013 Philosophy in UA detection

    Compatibility to what? UA detection has created an ecosystem.

  241. Lun 16 septembre 2013 Responsive Design Yes, But Not Too Small

    When mediaqueries get into the way, and make your Web site unusable.

  242. Mer 04 septembre 2013 User Agent Sniffing For A Tailored Experience

    User Agent sniffing, an old pain

  243. Mar 20 août 2013 A mobile? Yes? No? Yes?

    The User Agent detection algorithm leads to horrors in terms of detection. My policy has always been « just don't do it. » Sometimes diving into a JavaScript helps understand what is happening.

  244. Jeu 08 août 2013 http on the command line for User-Agent sniffing

    To have an idea of what's going on very quickly for a list of domain names, I often use combinations of pipes, httpie, sed, awk, xargs and grep.

  245. Mer 07 août 2013 Network Panel in Firefox 23 Developer Tools

    Understanding HTTP transactions is key to good Web development. Firefox 23 introduces the Network Panel in the Web developer tools.

  246. Mar 06 août 2013 UA Sniffing Club

    UA (User Agent) sniffing has some patterns. We can define some "rules" related to that. Let's fight!

  247. Lun 05 août 2013 Quick tips with httpie

    For analyzing HTTP transactions, httpie is a very good lightweight tool. It is easy to install and use. There are a few things I use on a regular basis worth sharing.

  248. Jeu 01 août 2013 Why Now?

    An attempt explaining this blog.

  249. Lun 10 décembre 2012 HTTP, a little story of development

    And if we were implementing HTTP from scratch? What would be the sequence of interactions?

  250. Ven 26 octobre 2012 Usability Of Browsers Error Messages
  251. Mar 14 août 2012 Automatic redirection on mobile breaks UX

    An automatic redirection with an unknown scheme.

  252. Mar 14 août 2012 Another HTTP Location issue
  253. Mar 14 août 2012 A difficult location
  254. Lun 23 juillet 2012 Opera Mobile Emulator from the command line
  255. Mer 18 juillet 2012 Web Messaging API
  256. Mer 04 juillet 2012 Device Pixel Ratio Timeline
  257. Ven 15 juin 2012 Oracle Support difficult to reach
  258. Jeu 26 avril 2012 CAFBank and Server Side User Agent Sniffing
  259. Mer 11 avril 2012 curl and User-Agent
  260. Jeu 29 mars 2012 Browser Landscape At A Fast Pace
  261. Ven 17 février 2012 Vendor Extensions And Memories Shoebox
  262. Jeu 16 février 2012 Opera Tools For Web Developers
  263. Mer 15 février 2012 Vendor extensions. Been There. Done That.
  264. Mar 31 janvier 2012 Video, Not There yet
  265. Mar 17 janvier 2012 Web Conferences In French
  266. Lun 16 janvier 2012 A working draft means experimental
  267. Sam 10 décembre 2011 tweetdeck for webkit… only
  268. Jeu 08 décembre 2011 Responsive Images and Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP
  269. Mar 06 décembre 2011 Detect And Redirect Users For Mobile Development
  270. Jeu 01 décembre 2011 a dirty Web of redirections
  271. Mer 30 novembre 2011 Design et User Choice
  272. Jeu 24 novembre 2011 Disabling HTTP Referrers For Privacy
  273. Jeu 24 novembre 2011 Openweb Weekly Summary
  274. Jeu 24 novembre 2011 Watch YouTube Videos Without Flash
  275. Mer 23 novembre 2011 Experiment: Web Without a Flash Player
  276. Mer 16 novembre 2011 ODIN and LOLCat
  277. Ven 28 octobre 2011 walmart mp3 - User Agent Sniffing
  278. Jeu 27 octobre 2011 Opera Emulator Releases Schedule
  279. Jeu 27 octobre 2011 User Agent Sniffing Kills
  280. Lun 24 octobre 2011 HTTP redirection is hard
  281. Jeu 20 octobre 2011 How To Detect WebGL
  282. Ven 09 septembre 2011 Flex your box
  283. Jeu 08 septembre 2011 HTTP Code Survey
  284. Jeu 08 septembre 2011 HTTP Etag survey
  285. Mer 24 août 2011 What about the next lot?
  286. Jeu 11 août 2011 Optimize Favicon, Save Bandwidth
  287. Mer 10 août 2011 Full Screen Mode and CSS
  288. Lun 08 août 2011 favicon testing and HTTP 404 missing page
  289. Jeu 04 août 2011 10Ko of not interoperable technologies
  290. Jeu 04 août 2011 Using CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) on the Web
  291. Mer 03 août 2011 Git Workflow with branches
  292. Mar 02 août 2011 3 rules of thumb for Web development
  293. Mar 12 juillet 2011 Adding Creative Commons License into HTTP Headers
  294. Lun 04 juillet 2011 REST and HTTP - Information not actions
  295. Jeu 30 juin 2011 Grab a Screenshot With Opera
  296. Mer 29 juin 2011 Two APIs For Address
  297. Mer 29 juin 2011 HTTP versioning
  298. Jeu 16 juin 2011 Velocity 2010 - Take it all off! Lossy Image Optimization
  299. Mer 15 juin 2011 Velocity 2011 - Mobile Web and HTML5 Performance Optimization
  300. Mer 15 juin 2011 Velocity 2011 - Know Your Engines: How to Make Your JavaScript Fast
  301. Mer 15 juin 2011 Velocity 2011 - Mobile Web Performance
  302. Mer 15 juin 2011 Velocity 2011 - Yahoo! homepage failed
  303. Mer 15 juin 2011 Velocity 2011 - Performance and CSS3 - beyond the hype
  304. Mer 15 juin 2011 Velocity 2011 - Wednesday morning - Part 2
  305. Mer 15 juin 2011 Velocity 2011 - Wenesday morning session 1st part
  306. Mar 14 juin 2011 Velocity 2011 - Advanced Postmortem Fu and Human Error 101
  307. Mar 14 juin 2011 Velocity 2011 - Big Data, Scale Dirty
  308. Mar 14 juin 2011 Velocity 2011 - Performance Tools
  309. Mar 14 juin 2011 Velocity 2011, Hello world!
  310. Dim 05 juin 2011 List of elements/attributes having URL for value in html5
  311. Mer 01 juin 2011 WEB RTC - Real Time Communications in Browsers
  312. Mar 10 mai 2011 Semantic Markup And Authoring Tools
  313. Lun 09 mai 2011 Make Web Not War 2011, Vancouver
  314. Mar 03 mai 2011 How To Test Opera Dragonfly
  315. Dim 13 mars 2011 Web Standards Links - 7 March 2011 to 13 March 2011
  316. Dim 06 mars 2011 Web Standards Links - 28 February 2011 to 6 March 2011
  317. Jeu 03 mars 2011 Wrong To Be Right - application/xhtml+xml
  318. Mer 02 mars 2011 HTML5, a better documentation
  319. Dim 27 février 2011 Web Standards Links - 21 February 2011 to 27 February 2011
  320. Mer 23 février 2011 Visiting Opera, Oslo Office
  321. Dim 20 février 2011 Web Standards Links - 14 February 2011 to 20 February 2011
  322. Mer 16 février 2011 Useless HTTP requests - favicon
  323. Mar 15 février 2011 Conformance, Tests and Specifications - a Tabloid Life
  324. Dim 13 février 2011 Web Standards Links - 7 February 2011 to 13 February 2011
  325. Mar 08 février 2011 Double-digit user agent problem
  326. Lun 07 février 2011 The open Web and local markets
  327. Dim 06 février 2011 Web Standards links - 31 January 2011 to 6 February 2011
  328. Dim 30 janvier 2011 Web Standards Links - 24 January 2011 to 30 January 2011
  329. Lun 24 janvier 2011 Web Standards Links - 17 January 2011 to 23 January 2011
  330. Ven 21 janvier 2011 Events in Tunisia and Opera statistics
  331. Mar 18 janvier 2011 Magic Strings and User Agent Sniffing
  332. Mar 18 janvier 2011 HTML5. Feels. Good. OpenWeb
  333. Dim 16 janvier 2011 Web Standards Links: 10 January 2011 to 16 January 2011
  334. Lun 10 janvier 2011 Web Standards Links: 3 January 2011 to 9 January 2011
  335. Ven 07 janvier 2011 2DVN - The Two Digits Version Number Bug
  336. Jeu 06 janvier 2011 Be Strict To Be Cool
  337. Mar 04 janvier 2011 Production of Cookies for Web Developers
  338. Lun 03 janvier 2011 RSS Readers in browsers and Opera
  339. Lun 03 janvier 2011 Web Standards Links - 20 December 2010 to 2 January 2011
  340. Lun 20 décembre 2010 Web Standards Links - 13 December to 19 December 2010
  341. Lun 13 décembre 2010 Proposals for a new XML generation
  342. Dim 12 décembre 2010 Web Standards Links - 6 December to 12 December 2010
  343. Ven 10 décembre 2010 Using Unicode Characters In The Bookmarks Bar
  344. Mer 08 décembre 2010 Opera Mini and Mobile Orientation Switching
  345. Lun 06 décembre 2010 HTML5 Forms in Opera 11 - Milestone 65
  346. Dim 05 décembre 2010 Web Standards links - 29 Nov 2010 to 5 Dec 2010
  347. Lun 29 novembre 2010 more universal debugging with console
  348. Dim 28 novembre 2010 Web Standards links - 22 Nov 2010 to 28 Nov 2010
  349. Mar 23 novembre 2010 opera 11 and document.head
  350. Mar 23 novembre 2010 Opera 11 beta release - what is new on the technology front?
  351. Lun 22 novembre 2010 device-width is an… unknown width
  352. Lun 22 novembre 2010 Open The Web in French
  353. Dim 21 novembre 2010 Web Standards links - 15 Nov 2010 to 21 Nov 2010
  354. Ven 19 novembre 2010 Creating a (mobile) Web Site
  355. Dim 14 novembre 2010 Web Standards links - 8 Nov 2010 to 14 Nov 2010
  356. Ven 12 novembre 2010 Abolishing CSS vendor prefixes?
  357. Mer 10 novembre 2010 CSS bolder and lighter rendering in different browsers
  358. Mer 10 novembre 2010 Testing innerHTML for non breaking space
