otsukare Thoughts after a day of work

Week notes - 2019 w47 - worklog

Week Notes?

Week Notes. I'm not sure I will be able to commit to this. But they have a bit of revival around my blogging reading echo chamber. Per revival, I mean I see them again.

The Open Data Institute just started one with a round about them. I subscribed again to the feed of Brian Suda and his own week notes. Alice Bartlett has also a very cool personal, down to earth and simple summary of her week. I love that she calls them weaknotes She's on week 63 by now.

So these will not be personal but more covering a bit of the things I (we?) do, learn, fail about webcompat. The only way to do that is to write down properly things. The possible issues: redundancy in writing things elsewhere, the fatigue associated with the regularity. I did a stretch of worklogs in the past.


Firefox Usage Counters

I need to better understand how counters are working inside Firefox so the numbers become more meaningful. And probably it would be good to understand how they operate at Chrome too. How the counter works when a property is used inside a condition. For example in JavaScript with a construct like:

var mypath = event.path || event.composedPath()

These are probably questions for Boris Bzarsky. Maybe a presentation at All Hands Berlin would be cool on the topic.

Python tests

We currently do AB testing for for a new form with the goal to improve the quality of the bugs reported. The development has not been an entirely smooth road, and there are still a lot of things to fix, and particulary the missing tests. Our objective is that if the AB testing experiment is successful. We will be rewriting properly the code, and more specifically the tests. So instead of fixing the code, I was thinking that we could just add the tests, so we have a solid base when it's time for rewriting. We'll see. Then Mike was worried that we would break continuous integration. We use nose for running our unittest tests. There is a plugin in nose for creating groups of tests by setting an attr.

from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
class WizardFormTest:
    def test_exclusive_wizard(self):

So we could probably deactivate these specific tests. So this is something to explore.

Webcompat dev



System abuse? or goofing

Some notes about the week notes
