After 10+ days of holidays, the first morning is going through the pile of bugs and emails. I had cleaned my desk before leaving for holidays on December 21. So starting this morning was like a fresh breeze. I'm on diagnosis rotation. Let's discover the effect of holidays on the pile. I'm pleasantly surprised. Ah I see! Ksenia did the hard work. Cool.
- Sometimes, we can't really diagnose. Specifically when the site is a bank. It requires to have both geeky skills and an account on the dedicated site. For this case: CapitalOne bug(?). If you can help, do not hesitate to add your comments to the bug.
- TLS 1.1 doom day is coming fast. March 2020.
- With a double click on a string, Firefox creates a leading and a trailing space, which is not visible in the selection square box. There is an old issue about that.
- strange issue with an empty flex element and a different behavior in Chrome and Firefox.
- I'm pretty sure there is something better for humanity than trying to debug scrolling hacks for ads.
- Padding is visible at the end of the viewport in Firefox while it is not in Chrome. Opened a bugzilla issue for it.
The webcompat-bot was not only suspended by GitHub, but also all the issues with it in the repo. It means hours of work just gone. We probably need to prepare for this again. And we need to have a reliable backup of all issues (and comments) and probably events, labels, etc.
Basically we need a static version of the issues we have been working on.
In the meantime we are keeping track of the events in a detailed incident report (non public) and some information in public. We also deployed a landing page for
Once we know what it was about I would detail a bit more things.
- 2020 poney wish: a container tab profile, where i can deactivate/activate some addons and allow only specific domains